
The name of the project is ALIOT, which is an acronym from the official name “Internet of Things: Emerging Curriculum for Industry and Human Applications” (reference number 573818-EPP-1-2016-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

PrintThis project was financed by the Erasmus+ programme, which aims  to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion, as well as the aims of ET2020, the EU’s strategic framework for education and training. Erasmus+ also aims to promote the sustainable development of its partners in the field of higher education, and contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy.

Specific objectives of Joint project (curriculum development)

The joint project in curriculum development implemented a new approach to the delivery of educational services through ongoing feedback from employers and correction of the educational process, methodological and logistical support of the educational process.

It also provided creation of a professional community in IoT, robotics, computer networks and microcontrollers. The project ensured adaptation of academic programs to the needs of the European labor market, thus enhancing the opportunities of academic and labor abundant. The novelty is in usage of the concept of accumulation and transfer of educational credits (ECTS) and the concept of learning throughout life (LLL).

Introduced a Multi-domain and Integrated IoT programme for master students in UA universities by September 2019

  • MC1 – Fundemantals of IoT and IoE (Internet of Everything)
  • MC2 – Data science for IoT and IoE
  • MC3 – Mobile and hybrid IoT-based computing
  • MC4 – IoT technologies for cyber physical systems

Introduced a Multi-Domain and Integrated IoT programme for doctoral students in UA universities by September 2019

  • PC1 – Simulation of IoT and IoE-based systems
  • PC2 – Software defined networks and IoT
  • PC3 – Dependability and security of IoT
  • PC4 – Development and implementation of IoT-based systems

Provided the mechanism for intensive capacity-building measures for UA CT tutors by September 2019

  • ITM1 – IoT for Smart energy grid
  • ITM2 – IoT for Smart building and city
  • ITM3 – IoT for intelligent transport systems
  • ITM4 – IoT for health systems
  • ITM5 – IoT for ecology monitoring systems
  • ITM6 – IoT for industrial systems

Established Multi-Domain IoT Cluster Network in Ukraine by September 2019

This network provides an environment for knowledge sharing and transfer as well as cross-fertilisation of innovative IoT-related research ideas and practices between the academic and industrial sectors.
The aim of Multi-Domain IoT Cluster Network is to integrate all available and produced curriculum, methods and tools for providing training and consultancy services in the area of IoT-based systems for different application domains: Human, Business-critical, Safety-Critical. This network is a means for knowledge sharing, exchange, and transfer. It also promotes public awareness of the cutting edge IoT-related concepts, technologies, and applications. The structure of Network includes 7 offices incorporated at the involved department of each UA university. Each office is specialized for the specific application domain and thus is responsible for networking and cooperating of R&D, academic and industrial partners acting in the respective domain.

Target sectors

MSc/Doctoral Students, graduates, young professionals, state and private companies, HEI, professional associations, research centers, staff of national and EU IT-industry, acting different application domains of IoT.

ALIOT consortium has relevant expertise relating to IoT technologies and applications and extensive experience in curriculum development and its associated quality assurance procedures.

The project content and methodology

The Joint Project in curriculum development implemented a new approach to the delivery of educational services through ongoing feedback from employers and correction of the educational process, methodological and logistical support of the educational process. It provided the creation of a professional community in IoT, robotics, computer networks and microcontrollers.

The project ensures adaptation of academic programs to the needs of the European labor market, thus enhancing the opportunities of academic and labor abundant. Another issue is usage of the concept of accumulation and transfer of educational credits (ECTS) and the concept of learning throughout life (LLL).

International cooperation (between UA, UK, PT, SE, IT) provides creation of a modernized EU innovative learning system for training and prof. dev in the emerging field of IoT, robotics, comp. networks and microcontrollers including the development smart devices for traffic system with adapted academic programs to the req-s of UA and EU employers.

The wider objective of ALIOT is to provide studies in the emerging field of Internet of Things (IoT) according to the needs of the modern society; to bring the universities closer to changes in global ICT labour market and world education sphere; to give students an idea of various job profiles in different IoT domains.