Dissemination of the ALIOT project results during PCI2020 Conference

Members of ALIOT consortia participated in the 24th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2020) in order to disseminate the results achieved during the project lifetime as well as to show its sustainability.
The paper “Internet of Things for Human and Industry Application: ALIOT Project and R&D Issues” has been prepared by the national coordinator (National Aerospace University “KhAI”, Kharkiv, Ukraine) representatives – Prof. Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Dr. Oleg Illiashenko, Dr. Olga Morozova and the representative of the grant holder organization (Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK) – Emeritus Prof. Chris Phillips.
Abstract: the paper focuses on analysis of the project ALIOT. It discusses the complex problem how to build a united system of educational processes management in IoT domain, taking into account the industrial requirements to modern specialists in IoT. The paper proposes the principles of developing support systems of processes for acquiring knowledge that ensure the integration of educational and production systems in the frame of ALIOT project. The ALIOT project results and related R&D issues are described. The ALIOT curriculum consists of fourteen courses for three level of education: master courses, doctoral courses and industrial trainings. The main results of the ALIOT project and their interrelation are described: specialties and courses, education and research laboratories, sectoral IoT cluster network, networks of labs and centers.
The Greek Computer Society (GCS/ΕΠΥ), the Department of Informatics & Computer Engineering of University of West Attica, the Harokopio University and the University of Piraeus organise the 24th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2020) in Athens, Greece, from 20 to 22 November, 2020.
Ιn order to limit the spread of COVID-19, the conference has been scheduled to be held as a Digital-conference.
According to the Program, the talk has been done on Saturday 21/11 14:00-15:30 in the section “Education and training on Data Science and IoT (DS&IoT)”.