Modern equipment for the Internet of Things technologies studying

Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, and in particular home automation technologies, are rapidly evolving around the world as they allow to increase the comfort and safety of houses and apartments residents, as well as to save resources (water, electricity, gas, etc.).
That is why, within the framework of the International educational project ERASMUS + ALIoT “Internet of Things: Emerging Curriculum for Industry and Human Applications“, in close cooperation with PCF Motor (Director Alexander Fisyuk), that is the official representative of the world famous Legrand company, the team of Software Tools Department of Zaporizhzhia National Polytechnic University created a training stand MY HOME, which allows students to experiment with modern European home automation equipment, to study the features of sensors and actuators connection and functioning, as well as to create software for Smart Building System control.
Students of Software Tools Department have already participated in the training seminar on the development of home automation systems, which was held by experts of the company PCF Motor Maxim Khrunov and Denis Kolpakov. In addition, ALIoT participants also had the opportunity to visit the company’s showroom on May, 19 this year as a part of the Spring School.
To date, the set of basic Legrand home automation equipment has been purchased by ALIoT project funds. It is located at Laboratory of Embedded Systems and Remote Engineering (building III, room 53 a) of Software Tools Department, in a special cabinet for safe and visual usage. These set includes equipment for light and shutter control, zone thermal control, a basic gateway for remote control, system configuration and programming, as well as a for complex scenario development.
In addition, at our own funds, extra equipment was purchased for the training stand: video camera, LED RGB strip, fan coil valve, motion sensor, display, etc.. The training stand was designed and manufactured by Artem Tulenkov (PhD student of Software Tools Department) and was connected to a cabinet with Legrand control equipment. At the launch of the training stand, specialist of PCF Motor Denis Kolpakov was present. He also was a co-author of our report at the annual university scientific-practical conference Science Week-2019 “Investigation of the features of the Legrand hardware/software platform for the implementation of the Smart House system”.
In the fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year, the MY HOME training stand will be used for teaching the discipline “Physical Basics of Modern Information Technologies” for master’s degree students of the specialty 122 Computer Science.
In addition, for the interested specialists of companies and enterprises of the region, a special course “Engineering of software and hardware platform for the Smart House system” is offered that was developed within the framework of ALIoT project.
Thus, the implementation of ALIoT project will provide new opportunities for students and professors of Zaporizhzhya National Polytechnic University, as well as will strengthen relationships with enterprises and companies.
Associate Professor of Software Tools Department A.V. Parkhomenko