Science Week-2019 at ZNTU and Erasmus+ ALIOT project

Science Week-2019 at ZNTU and Erasmus+ ALIOT project

During April 15-19, 2019 at the Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, a scientific and practical conference of students, teachers, scientists, young scientists and graduate students “Science Week 2019” was held. The submissions repeatedly mention the ALIOT project, which is funded with the support of the European Commission. Many teachers and students of the Department of Computer Systems and Networks are participants in this educational project. Teachers and students of the department presented the results of studies conducted as part of the ALIOT project: Sirota A.V. (Senior Lecturer) “Internet of single and cloud computing”, Kasyan K.M. (PhD, Associate Professor) and Sychov V.V. (MSc student) “Automated greenhouse with remote control”, Timenko A.V. (Assistant) and Romanyuta M.M. (MSc student) “What does an IoT consist of?”, which are published in the conference proceedings.